Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Personality Profiling - High D: The Driving Force

According to DiSC® personality profiling, the High D personality type is the driving force in any organization. Their positive, goal-driven attitude is essential to their team's success. High Ds process and respond very quickly. Be respectful of the fact that they don't need all the gory details. They have a mission to accomplish, and because of this, sometimes other people feel they are too impersonal and too focused.

It's important for Ds to make sure they are not being misconstrued or offending others. High Ds have a tough time relating to other personality types, which they perceive as being too slow, and not motivated enough to keep up with their rapid pace. Interacting with other people is one of their greatest challenges.

General Characteristics

High Ds are direct and decisive, and are very confident. They are problem-solvers, risk-takers, and self-starters. High Ds value their time and, therefore, posses great time management skills.

Communicating with a High D

When communicating with a High D, you must be brief, direct, and to the point. Ask "What" instead of "How to" questions. Focus on business because they desire results. Suggest ways for them to achieve results, be in charge, and solve problems. Don't repeat yourself, and focus on solutions, not problems.

Positive Characteristics

High Ds are instinctive leaders and are great in crisis situations. They are self-reliant, self-motivated, and innovative. They maintain focus on goals. They are specific and direct in all tasks. They provide direction and can push a group toward decisions. They are willing to speak out and give their opinion, and they always see the big picture.


High D personalities tend to overstep authority and can have an argumentative attitude. They can come off as being brash or too direct, and they dislike routine. High Ds are motivated by new challenges and the power and authority to take risks and make decisions.

Areas for Personal Growth

If you are a High D, you should strive to become a more active listener. Be less controlling and domineering, and develop a greater appreciation for the opinions, feelings, and desires of others. Put more energy into personal relationships. Show your support for other team-members, and reward them verbally when they have done well. Be friendlier, and try to be more approachable.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Personality Profiling - Plugging into What Others Want

We all know the Golden Rule, which states, "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."

Dr. Tony Allesandra, a national public speaker, quotes The Platinum Rule™*, "Do unto others as they would want you to do unto them." A great read by Tony can be found at The Platinum Rule for Sales Mastery: How to Adapt Your Selling Style to Match Every Prospect's Buying Style.

Personality profiling should be a major component of what you do on a daily basis in your business practices. It reaches deep into the area of sales and understanding your clients better, as well as how you relate to the members of your team. There are many different types of personality profiling techniques available today. I highly recommend DiSC® profiling. The four letters, D-I-S-C represent the four main personality types.

"High D" personality types are drivers. This is the "type A" individual who constantly strives for excellence, shows a significant degree of impatience, and is the dominant individual in the decision-making process.
"High I" personality types are influencers. They are social people, and are tremendous referrers. They are people you want to create alliances with, because they will bring you a significant amount of additional business in the future.

"High S" personality types are supporters. They make ideal team members, and are more concerned about the success of group efforts rather than their own individual success. They are the classic Indians that every chief needs to have onboard. In a sales situation, they are people who like to talk about their family. They tend to socialize well with their friends and family members and, in this respect, they too make good referrers.

"High C" personality types are conscientious thinkers. They think a process through from beginning to end before making a decision. Never make the mistake of trying to close a High C on the first telephone conversation, or in the first appointment. They need time to dot all the Is, cross all the Ts, and analyze things to a significant degree. They respond much better to an analytical approach and desire the straight scoop.

More information is forthcoming on how to use DiSC® testing and personality profiling to perfect your sales approach and build better relationships with your team members and referral partners!

Make it a Great Day!